Payroll Bureau

Helping Businesses Of All Sizes With Payroll Solutions

We understand that every company is unique.

As such, we take great care in listening and understanding your different payroll processing requirements in order to design highly customised payroll services that match your needs to perfection. Eminence Payroll Services is the clear market leader in payroll & HR solutions for UK businesses, with simple onboarding, easy-to-use software, rich functionality and flexible services.

What Can We Do For You?

We understand that every company is unique.

Effective & Accurate Processing

Real Time Information reporting, Auto Enrolment Pensions and GDPR compliance are just a drop in the ocean of payroll admin. These complex and mandatory initiatives are covered by our experts who will communicate suggestions to improve your payroll processes for ultimate accuracy and efficiency.

Reliable & Trusted Advisors

Accuracy in payroll is the highest point on our service delivery plan. Payroll is one of if not the most important business functions. Ensuring your employees are paid accurately and on time is critical to any businesses success.

Quality Services Guaranteed

We are dedicated to deliver the best possible service to all our clients. Based in the UK, we offer several different channels of engagement with our clients to ensure we are able to reach everyone. No matter the query, we are always happy to help and are open to any conversation you may wish to have. Please contact us today!

Benefits of Payroll Bureaus

If keeping control is important to your business, payroll bureaus allow you to pick and choose which functions to retain in house and which to pass over.

This flexibility enables you to hand over tasks that you don’t have the in-house skills for, or those that consume the most time and effort, for example.By choosing to hand over such tasks, you save either time or cost. You might choose to refocus your in-house staff on alternative tasks due to freeing up their time, or you might find you don’t need a full-time team anymore.As with outsourced payroll services, a bureau solution also provides you with access to expertise in legislation, regulations, and compliance..

Benefits of Payroll Bureaus

If keeping control is important to your business, payroll bureaus allow you to pick and choose which functions to retain in house and which to pass over.

This flexibility enables you to hand over tasks that you don’t have the in-house skills for, or those that consume the most time and effort, for example.By choosing to hand over such tasks, you save either time or cost. You might choose to refocus your in-house staff on alternative tasks due to freeing up their time, or you might find you don’t need a full-time team anymore.As with outsourced payroll services, a bureau solution also provides you with access to expertise in legislation, regulations, and compliance..