Payroll Solutions

Flexible Bureau And Shared Solutions For Businesses

Paying people accurately, on time and in line with ever-changing legislation is a complex task.

Eminence Payroll Services can help lighten the load – leaving your time free to concentrate on core activities. Our payroll services cover not only payroll processing but BACS, employee expense and mileage claims, benefits in kind (BiK) and pensions too.We can help you meet your workplace pensions responsibilities by monitoring employees’ eligibility for auto-enrolment into your company pension scheme. This includes managing postponement, opt-outs and automatic re-enrolment in line with legislation.

Managed Payroll Services

From A BACS Accredited Provider

Bureau Or Fully Managed Payroll Service

Simply provide us with your data each period and we will ensure your employees are paid accurately and on time and that RTI data is sent to HMRC. If you opt for our fully managed service then we will also provide a helpline for employee queries on tax and NI.

Enhanced Payroll Service

A shared approach to payroll that includes all the features of our standard bureau service but with the additional flexibility of in-house access to your own payroll software for data entry and ad hoc reporting. We take care of the actual processing, including RTI and payslip production.

Administration Support

Real Time Information reporting, Auto Enrolment Pensions and GDPR compliance are just a drop in the ocean of payroll admin. These complex and mandatory initiatives are covered by our experts who will communicate suggestions to improve your payroll processes for ultimate accuracy and efficiency.

Eminence Payroll Services For Accountants & Payroll Bureaus

Eminence Payroll Services licence includes unlimited employees and free phone and email support.

We also provide full functionality for auto enrolment, CIS, P11Ds, payrolling of benefits, integration with accounts packages, batch payroll processing and much more.

Eminence Payroll Services For Accountants & Payroll Bureaus

Eminence Payroll Services licence includes unlimited employees and free phone and email support.

We also provide full functionality for auto enrolment, CIS, P11Ds, payrolling of benefits, integration with accounts packages, batch payroll processing and much more.